Police Records Check

KBA requires all volunteers, 18 years old and older,  to have a valid Vulnerable Sector Police Record Check (PRC).  No adult volunteer may appear on an official roster or umpire games without a valid PRC.



To Obtain a Vulnerable Sector Check

Please follow the steps below to get a Police Records Check from the Ottawa Police:

  1. Go to the online OPS Police Records Check webpage, scroll down to "Level 3 Vulnerable Sector Check" and click "Apply Now"
  2. Login to the Police Records Check website, or create an account if needed.

  3. Select Vulnerable Sector Check
  4. Use the KBA volunteer letter (fill out your full legal name in the last paragraph of this letter) 
  5. Choose the electronic download instead of the paper copy
  6. Once you have received the results via email, upload your PRC to Ramp website at www.kanatabaseball.com by:
  • Click "Register" at top menu bar
  • Log-in to your account
  • Select "My Family Members" from the left side menu bar (> my family members)
  • Click 'Edit' button on your profile
  • Scroll down to section labeled "CRC File" (criminal record file)
  • Click 'Choose File' and select your electronic file to upload here.
  • Click "Submit" button at bottom of page.

Your Police Record Check belongs to you, we only need a copy.  


Police Records Check From Another Youth Organization

If you have a PRC from another youth organization you may use it, as long as it is valid for the Vulnerable Sector and was issued:

  • within the past 3 years for LL programs
  • within 6 months of the season start for OBA programs. 


If you have any questions, please contact safety@kanatabaseball.com



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