KBA Competitive Coaches that require training for the position held in a given season will be reimbursed fees paid for that required training.
Eligible training fees will be reimbursed once proof of payment and proof of successful completion is supplied to KBA's Treasurer (treasurer@kanatabaseball.com)
KBA does not cover travel expenses related to training unless pre-approved by the Executive Committee.
** Note, KBA often offers in-house training sessions that are free to KBA-registered coaches.
Teams (Team Manager) pay the league (treasurer@kanatabaseball.com) the total fee to cover their team uniforms (players and coaches) before the league Uniform Manager gives the uniform package to the team.
Coaches will be reimbursed for their uniforms at a’ later date’ based on the following criteria:
** Note this is an increase in money reimbursement from our old policy which stated $125/coach, 4 coaches = $500 team maximum. The increase in expense and the four rules outlined above were discussed and voted unanimously in favor by the KBA Executives during a meeting held on April 7, 2024.