Police Records Check
Vulnerable Sector Check
KBA requires all volunteers, 18 years old and older, to have a valid Vulnerable Sector Check (VSC - Level III Police Records). No adult volunteer may appear on an official roster or umpire games without a valid PRC.
To Obtain a Vulnerable Sector Check
Please follow the steps below to get a Police Records Check from the Ottawa Police:
- Go to the online OPS Police Records Check webpage, scroll down to "Level 3 Vulnerable Sector Check" and click "Apply Now"
- Login to the Police Records Check website, or create an account if needed.
- Select Vulnerable Sector Check
- Use the KBA volunteer letter (fill out your full legal name in the last paragraph of this letter)
- Choose the electronic download instead of the paper copy
- Once you have received the results via email, upload your PRC to Ramp website at www.kanatabaseball.com by:
- Click "Register" at top menu bar
- Log-in to your account
- Select "My Family Members" from the left side menu bar (> my family members)
- Click 'Edit' button on your profile
- Scroll down to section labeled "CRC File" (criminal record file)
- Click 'Choose File' and select your electronic file to upload here.
- Click "Submit" button at bottom of page.
Your Police Record Check belongs to you, we only need a copy.
Police Records Check From Another Youth Organization
If you have a PRC from another youth organization you may use it, as long as it is valid for the Vulnerable Sector and was issued:
- within the past 3 years for LL programs
- within 6 months of the season start for OBA programs.
If you have any questions, please contact safety@kanatabaseball.com